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Showing posts with label MCQ's. Show all posts

Research Methods MCQ's

1. Tree testing is not similar to card sorting.

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2. For users from other nationalities, it is enough to offer a product translated in their respective languages.

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3. It’s a sequential art, where images are arrayed together to visualize the story

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4. People with low uncertainty avoidance are restricted to new ideas.

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   False  (are open to new ideas)

5. Surveys and questionnaires are primarily used for collecting information from a large number of users.

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Machine Learning Axioms MCQ's

1. Which of the learning methodology applies conditional probability of all the variables with respective the dependent variable?

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   Supervised Learning

2. Now Can you make quick guess where Decision tree will fall into _____ 

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   Supervised Learning

3. Do you think heuristic for rule learning and heuristics for decision trees are both same ? 

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4. What is the benefit of Naïve Bayes ? 

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   Requires less training data

5. What is the advantage of using an iterative algorithm like gradient descent ? (select the best)

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   For Nonlinear regression problems, there is no closed form solution

Continuous Integration MCQ's

1. Feature branching is used to _.

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   Work on user stories 

2. Release branches are created for resolving merge conflicts.

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3. Which is NOT a benefit of CI ?

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   Bugs and defects no longer occur 

4. Activities that are part of continuous integration.

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   All of the Options 

5. Which is not a CI practice ?

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   Deploy to production


1. Companies expose their services as a set of HTTP _____.

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2. The Edge API proxie' s primary consumers are _____.

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   App developers

3. Apigee provides ____ services.

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   All the options 

4. Apigee cannot modify the backend service implementation without affecting the public API.

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5. APIs are software interface that allow different applications to talk to one another.

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RPA Automation MCQ's

1. Which activities allow you to iterate through an array of strings?

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   While,For Each,Do While

2. As a best practice, how should workflows use a local desktop application?

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   1) By checking if the corresponding process is running and if not, opening the application by using the Open Application activity. 2) By using selectors to interact with the application.

3. How should an RPA developer address runtime exceptions in the workflows?

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   1) By logging any exception events 2)By using automatic recovery sequences inside the Catch blocks. 3) By using Try/Catch blocks when invoking external workflow files

4. How can you grab text from a notepad window inside Citrix?

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   1) By using Screen Scraping/Relative Scraping. 2)By using the Get Text with OCR activity

5. Can you hover the mouse over a specific UI Element?

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   1)Yes, by using Hover Text activity. 2)Yes, by using Hover Image activity. 3)Yes, by using Hover OCR Text activity.

Continuous Deployment MCQ's

1. Capacity testing _.

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   is a critical testing and helps to verify technical aspects 

2. Accurev is a _ system.

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   Stream Based Version Control 

3. ____________ testing was derived from hardware testing.

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4. The continuous deployment must be followed to practice continuous delivery.

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5. Large scale changes to an application can be achieved using __.

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   Branch by Abstraction

Cassandra Brass Track MCQ's

1. Which among the following is a NoSQL db?

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   All of the Option

2. Cassandra is a __________ architecture.

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   Peer to Peer

3. What is meant by 'Active everywhere design'?

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   All nodes can be written to and read from

4. Which of the following statements about NoSQL databases is true?

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   Support unstructured data

5. Cassandra is not suitable for IoT applications.

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NoSQL - Database Revolution MCQ's

1. Hbase main server components include all except _

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   Hbase Memstore

2. In column-oriented stores, data is stored on a basis.

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   Column Family 

3. In Hbase, 'Columns' are named and specified in table definition. 

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4. HBase Tables are divided _ by row key range into .

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   horizontally - regions 

5. Columnar databases are preferable for OLTP systems.

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Kibana - Data Exquisites MCQ's

1. Is it necessary to use curl command while querying in Kibana?

a) Yes, it is necessary.
b) No, not necessary.
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   No, not necessary

2. Default location to run Kibana is _.

a) localhost:0000
b) localhost:8888
c) localhost:5601
d) localhost:5602

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3. If Elasticsearch is not visible via Kibana, what could be the problem?

a) url should match to localhost:9200 if it has not been changed manually
b) Both of these
c) None of these
d) elasticsearch.url is not set correct

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   Both of these

4. What can be created with the help of Kibana?

a) Histograms
b) Line Graphs
c) All of these
d) Pie Charts

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   All of these

5. Kibana is an independent tool nothing to do with ELK stack.

a) True
b) False
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Bundling with Webpack (002) MCQ's

1. Executing the following command will automatically create a file named: webpack_practice >>

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    npm init  -->Package.json

2. Which of these softwares is necessary to install webpack

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3. Webpack supports third party libraries

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4. The distinct feature of webpack is

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   code splitting

5. Webpack supports third party libraries

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Kafka MCQ's

1. A hashing-based Partitioner takes ___ and generates a hash to locate which partition the message should go

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   Partition Key

2. Banking industry can leverage Kafka Streams for detecting fraudulent transactions.

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3. Which messaging semantics do Kafka use to handle failure to any broker in cluster?

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4. Kafka only provides a total order over records within a partition, not between different partitions in a topic.

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5. The only metadata retained on a per-consumer basis is the position of the consumer in the log, called :

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Infrastructure as Code MCQ's

1. When a server requires special configuration beyond that covered by automated deployment scripts, it is called

a) Snowflake Server
b) Server Sprawl
c) Automation Fear
d) Configuration Drift

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   Snowflake Server

2. __________ configuration is faster than ___________ configuration

a) Automated, Manual
b) Manual, Hybrid
c) Manual, Automated
d) Automated, Hybrid

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   Automated, Manual

3. For quick configurations, the servers must be

a) Well configured
b) Automated
c) Identical
d) Different

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4. Which is directly proportional to your business?

a) Clarity
b) Security
c) None of the options
d) Availability

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5. IaC is frequently referred to as, _

a) infrastructure automation
b) Infrastructure Programming
c) Programmable infrastructure
d) Automated Infrastructure

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   Programmable infrastructure

Elements of User Experience MCQ's

1. Which one of the following techniques helps us in understanding user needs?

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2. navigation allows the user to access nearby screens in the architecture.

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3. The discipline involved in creating a structured experience for the user is know as 

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4. _________ is getting your users to test what you have produced.

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5. help us to analyze the precise steps that user performs to complete a task.

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Machine Learning Using scikit-learn MCQ's

1. Which of the following utility of Pandas can be used to read from Oracle database?

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2. What do the methods starting with fetch, of sklearn.datasets module do?

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   It downloads a specific dataset from a library.

3. Which of the following function is used for loading famous iris dataset from sklearn.datasets?

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4. Which of the following Python library is used for Machine Learning?

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5. Which of the following module of sklearn contains popular datasets, which are processed?

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Image Classification MCQ's

1. Identify the unstructured data from the following

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   both image and Video clip

2. Which preprocessing technique is used for dimensinality reduction?

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3. Technique used to evaluate a classifier by dividing the data set into train set to train the classifier and test set to test the same.

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   cross validation

4. True Negative is when

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   predic are and actual negative

5. True Positive is when

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   predic are and actual  not  negative

AWS Essential MCQ's

1. _____ mixes the simplicity of ________ with the power of _____, to great effect.

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2. Developers and organizations all around the world leverage ______ extensively

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3. The committee which designs the standards & characteristics for the cloud computing is

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4. I have some private servers on my premises, also I have distributed some of my workload on the public cloud, what is this architecture called?

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5. Cloud-computing providers offer their services as

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Story Telling MCQ's

1. _________ uses system of color coding to represent different values.

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   Heat maps

2. _______ helps you get familiar with data.

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3. When the content is very less, we can leverage _________ to display information.

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   simple text

4. Cognitive load theory is created by 

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   john sweller

5. Keeping Color consistent helps the audiences to know that these two pieces of information are related.

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Structured Data Classification MCQ's

1.  Identify the structured data from the following.

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   Data from mySQL DB and Excel

2. What kind of classification is our case study 'Churn Analysis'?

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3. Which command is used to identify the unique values of a column?

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4. Which preprocessing technique is used to make the data gaussian with zero mean and unit variance?

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5. Cross-validation technique is used to evaluate a classifier by dividing the data set into training set to train the classifier and testing set to test the same.

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DevOps MCQ's

1. DevOps is the union of ___ , ____ and __ to enable continuous delivery of value to end users.

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   People, Processes and Products. 

2. Improve quality and performance of the applications is a major driver for switching to DevOps

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3. Understanding of what we are deploying and how we are deploying comes under which habit of DevOps

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   Configuration Management

4. Product Management is one of the 7 DevOps practices

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5. Which of the following is a value of DevOps

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   DevOps goals span the entire delivery pipeline 

More on Git MCQ's

1. What is the git command to see the last 3 commits in one line ?

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   git log -–oneline -3 

2. How do I view all the commits for the last 2 weeks ?

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   git log -–since=”2 weeks ago” 

3. What is the significance of using –index in the git stash pop - - index command ?

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   To pull the staged changes  

4. What is the command to temporarily store uncommitted ?

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   git stash 

5. What command should I use to retrieve my files that have been temporarily stashed ?

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   git stash pop – index