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Showing posts with label Advanced. Show all posts

Structured Data Classification MCQ's

1.  Identify the structured data from the following.

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   Data from mySQL DB and Excel

2. What kind of classification is our case study 'Churn Analysis'?

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3. Which command is used to identify the unique values of a column?

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4. Which preprocessing technique is used to make the data gaussian with zero mean and unit variance?

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5. Cross-validation technique is used to evaluate a classifier by dividing the data set into training set to train the classifier and testing set to test the same.

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Advanced Time Series Analysis MCQ's

1.  An Ideal ACF plot will increase exponentially ?

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2.The Partial Auto Correlation Function is useful in detecting the Order of AR process.

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3.  Non Stationary Time series will have a declining effect ?

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Structured Data MCQ's

1.  Identify the structured data from the following

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   Data from mySQL DB and Excel

2. What kind of classification is our case study 'Churn Analysis'?

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3. Which command is used to identify the unique values of a column?

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4. Which preprocessing technique is used to make the data gaussian with zero mean and unit variance?

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5. True Negative is when the predicted instance and the actual is positive.

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Advanced Statistics and Probability MCQ's

1.  What are the features of multivariate random variable?

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2.  If time space or state space is discrete, ___________.

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   Markov process can be termed as discrete-time Markov chains

3.  What are kernels?

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