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Showing posts with label Machine Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Machine Learning. Show all posts

Machine Learning MCQ's

1. If you have a basket of different fruit varieties with some prior information on size, color, shape of each and every fruit . Which learning methodology is best applicable?

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2. If the outcome is binary(0/1), which model to be applied?

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3. For which one of these relationships could we use a regression analysis? Chose the correct one

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4. Which clustering technique requires prior knowledge of the number of clusters required?

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   k means

5. Which of the learning methodology applies conditional probability of all the variables with respective the dependent variable?

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Deep Learning MCQ's

1. Data Collected from Survey results is an example of ______

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   structured data

2. Gradient at a given layer is the product of all gradients at the previous layers.

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3. Name the component of a Neural Network where the true value of the input is not observed.

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   hidden layer

4. _______________ is a Neural Nets way of classifying inputs.

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5. Prediction Accuracy of a Neural Network depends on _______________ and ______________.

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   weight and bias

Data Visualisation with Matplotlib MCQ's

1. Multiple lines can be plotted using a single plot function? State True or False

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2. Which of the following parameter is used to set the color of a error bar in bar plots?

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3. Which of the following parameter is used to set the style of a line?

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4. A Figure can contain multiple Axes. State true or false.?

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5. What does the function subplot return?

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   Axes object

Azure - Machine Learning MCQ's

1. Which of the following is a python REPL environment ?

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   jupyter notebook

2. What is the default Python package manager in case of Azure ML Studio?

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3. Which of the following can be generally used to clean and prepare Big Data?

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4. Reference data is _________.

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    additional application data for user

5. Get the required size of a dataset from a large amount of accumulated data is called ________.

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    statistical sampling B,D,C,A,E 

TensorFlow MCQ's

1. Improve quality and performance of the applications is a major driver for switching to DevOps

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2. Running the TensorFlow session is mandatory to run TensorFlow graph.

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3. In TensorFlow, a computation runs before the creation of a session.

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4. TensorFlow is based on ________________.

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   dataflow graph

5. What is a tensor?

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   an n-dimesional array

Machine Learning Axioms MCQ's

1. Which of the learning methodology applies conditional probability of all the variables with respective the dependent variable?

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   Supervised Learning

2. Now Can you make quick guess where Decision tree will fall into _____ 

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   Supervised Learning

3. Do you think heuristic for rule learning and heuristics for decision trees are both same ? 

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4. What is the benefit of Naïve Bayes ? 

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   Requires less training data

5. What is the advantage of using an iterative algorithm like gradient descent ? (select the best)

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   For Nonlinear regression problems, there is no closed form solution

Machine Learning Using scikit-learn MCQ's

1. Which of the following utility of Pandas can be used to read from Oracle database?

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2. What do the methods starting with fetch, of sklearn.datasets module do?

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   It downloads a specific dataset from a library.

3. Which of the following function is used for loading famous iris dataset from sklearn.datasets?

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4. Which of the following Python library is used for Machine Learning?

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5. Which of the following module of sklearn contains popular datasets, which are processed?

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Image Classification MCQ's

1. Identify the unstructured data from the following

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   both image and Video clip

2. Which preprocessing technique is used for dimensinality reduction?

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3. Technique used to evaluate a classifier by dividing the data set into train set to train the classifier and test set to test the same.

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   cross validation

4. True Negative is when

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   predic are and actual negative

5. True Positive is when

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   predic are and actual  not  negative

Unstructured Data Classification MCQ's

1.  Identify the unstructured data from the following.

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2.  What kind of classification is our case study 'Spam Detection'?

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3.  Which preprocessing technique is used to remove the most commonly used words?

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4.  Cross-validation technique is used to evaluate a classifier by dividing the data set into training set to train the classifier and testing set to test the same.

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Structured Data MCQ's

1.  Identify the structured data from the following

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   Data from mySQL DB and Excel

2. What kind of classification is our case study 'Churn Analysis'?

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3. Which command is used to identify the unique values of a column?

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4. Which preprocessing technique is used to make the data gaussian with zero mean and unit variance?

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5. True Negative is when the predicted instance and the actual is positive.

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SageMaker - Amazon ML MCQ's

1.  Asynchronous Predictions are possible in SageMaker through _________________.

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2. Training Data for SageMaker models is ___________________.

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   Stored in S3

3. Which of the following algorithms is best suited for detecting malicious server activity?

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4. Hyperparameters are _______________________.

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   Model-specific parameters which are preset before training

Overfitting & Underfitting in Machine Learning


Overfitting in Machine Learning

Overfitting refers to a model that models the training data too well.

Overfitting happens when a model learns the detail and noise in the training data to the extent that it negatively impacts the performance of the model on new data. This means that the noise or random fluctuations in the training data is picked up and learned as concepts by the model. The problem is that these concepts do not apply to new data and negatively impact the models ability to generalize.

Machine Learning - Exploring the Model MCQ's

Machine Learning - Exploring the Model

Welcome to the course on Machine Learning - Exploring the Model

The objective of this course is to familiarize you with the steps involved in 

fitting a machine learning model to a data set

You will learn all the concepts involved in building a Machine Learning Model, 

from Hypothesis function that represents a model for a given data-set to evaluation of the hypothesis for a general case