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Showing posts with label Data Visualization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Visualization. Show all posts

Data Visualisation with Matplotlib MCQ's

1. Multiple lines can be plotted using a single plot function? State True or False

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2. Which of the following parameter is used to set the color of a error bar in bar plots?

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3. Which of the following parameter is used to set the style of a line?

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4. A Figure can contain multiple Axes. State true or false.?

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5. What does the function subplot return?

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   Axes object

Data visualization MCQ's

 1.What needs to be considered first before you start a data visualization presentation?

Ans:- Data

2.Data Visualization makes complex data more


3.How does visualization of big data help in interpreting information?


4.What is the purpose of using a dashboard for data visualization?
