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Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

AWS Essential MCQ's

1. _____ mixes the simplicity of ________ with the power of _____, to great effect.

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2. Developers and organizations all around the world leverage ______ extensively

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3. The committee which designs the standards & characteristics for the cloud computing is

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4. I have some private servers on my premises, also I have distributed some of my workload on the public cloud, what is this architecture called?

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5. Cloud-computing providers offer their services as

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SageMaker - Amazon ML MCQ's

1.  Asynchronous Predictions are possible in SageMaker through _________________.

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2. Training Data for SageMaker models is ___________________.

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   Stored in S3

3. Which of the following algorithms is best suited for detecting malicious server activity?

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4. Hyperparameters are _______________________.

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   Model-specific parameters which are preset before training