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Showing posts with label ocr. Show all posts

UIPATH MCQ's | Interview Preparation - 3 | RPA

1. How many Catches can you have in a Try/Catch block?

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   There is no limit on the number of catches.

2.  When running a workflow how can you see the steps the workflow is executing

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   Using Debug with Highlight Activities option, Using Debug and inspecting the Output panel

3. What happens if you put a Breakpoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode

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   The workflow will be paused until you click the Continue button.

4. What can you use to make sure that the execution continues even if an activity fails

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   Try/Catch activity

5.  Where can you see the variables’ values during workflow execution

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   In the Locals pane

UIPATH MCQ's | Interview Preparation - 1 | RPA

1. The Type Into activity can receive inputs like:

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   A variable followed by .tostring method & A static String

2. Getting the content of a PDF document is possible:

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   By opening the pdf and using screen scraping to get its data & By using the read Pdf text activity and providing the pdf file’s path

3. What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables panel?

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   Setting default values for variable & Changing variable type & Adding new variable

4. Where can you see the list of activities that you can use in a workflow?

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   In the Activities panel

5. How can you extract structured data from a web page?

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   Using the Data Scraping Wizard