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UIPATH MCQ's | Interview Preparation - 3 | RPA

1. How many Catches can you have in a Try/Catch block?

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   There is no limit on the number of catches.

2.  When running a workflow how can you see the steps the workflow is executing

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   Using Debug with Highlight Activities option, Using Debug and inspecting the Output panel

3. What happens if you put a Breakpoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode

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   The workflow will be paused until you click the Continue button.

4. What can you use to make sure that the execution continues even if an activity fails

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   Try/Catch activity

5.  Where can you see the variables’ values during workflow execution

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   In the Locals pane

UIPATH MCQ's | Interview Preparation - 2 | RPA

1. Consider having an application in Citrix Environment that has a button named ‘Accept’ and also a label that contains the Accept word. How can Click Text be customized in order to access the correct button?

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   By using the Occurrence property.

2. What can be done when the Windows Remote Connection doesn’t allow sending hotkeys?

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   It should work if the Windows Remote Connection is in ‘full-screen’ mode.

3. What happens if Find Image doesn’t actually find the desired image?

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   An exception is thrown.

4. Can a Pick Branch activity be used alone?

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   No, it can only be added inside a Pick activity body.

5. What is the EASIEST navigation method to be used in a form within Citrix?

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   By sending keyboard commands/hotkeys

UIPATH MCQ's | Interview Preparation - 1 | RPA

1. The Type Into activity can receive inputs like:

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   A variable followed by .tostring method & A static String

2. Getting the content of a PDF document is possible:

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   By opening the pdf and using screen scraping to get its data & By using the read Pdf text activity and providing the pdf file’s path

3. What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables panel?

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   Setting default values for variable & Changing variable type & Adding new variable

4. Where can you see the list of activities that you can use in a workflow?

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   In the Activities panel

5. How can you extract structured data from a web page?

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   Using the Data Scraping Wizard

Bill Division | Python Solution | Hackerrank

Two friends Anna and Brian, are deciding how to split the bill at a dinner. Each will only pay for the items they consume. Brian gets the check and calculates Anna's portion. You must determine if his calculation is correct.

For example, assume the bill has the following prices: Bill=[2,4,6]. Anna declines to eat item k= bill[2] which costs 6. If Brian calculates the bill correctly, Anna will pay (2+4)/2=3. If he includes the cost of bill[2], he will calculate (2+4+6)/2=3. In the second case, he should refund 3 to Anna.

Unstructured Data Classification MCQ's

1.  Identify the unstructured data from the following.

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2.  What kind of classification is our case study 'Spam Detection'?

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3.  Which preprocessing technique is used to remove the most commonly used words?

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4.  Cross-validation technique is used to evaluate a classifier by dividing the data set into training set to train the classifier and testing set to test the same.

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Advanced Time Series Analysis MCQ's

1.  An Ideal ACF plot will increase exponentially ?

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2.The Partial Auto Correlation Function is useful in detecting the Order of AR process.

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3.  Non Stationary Time series will have a declining effect ?

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Statistics with Python MCQ's

1.  Which of the following definition is used by default in kurtosis method of scipy.stats module?

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2. Which of the following method of scipy.stats module is used to determine inter quartile range a distribution?

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3. Which of the following equations represent inter-quartile range (IQR)?

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   Q3 - Q1

4. Which of the following expressions, correctly calculate variance of a sample, x, derived from a population?

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   np.var(x, ddof=1)

5. What is the output of the following expression?

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   from scipy import stats print(stats.mode([8, 9, 8, 7, 9, 6, 7, 6])) ModeResult(mode=array([6]), count=array([2]))

Structured Data MCQ's

1.  Identify the structured data from the following

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   Data from mySQL DB and Excel

2. What kind of classification is our case study 'Churn Analysis'?

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3. Which command is used to identify the unique values of a column?

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4. Which preprocessing technique is used to make the data gaussian with zero mean and unit variance?

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5. True Negative is when the predicted instance and the actual is positive.

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Blockchain MCQ's

1.  Blockchain which is popularly known as ‘for the people, by the people and of the people” is ___________.

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2. Bitcoin network would make it impossible to bypass the traditional financial intermediaries.

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3. The three concepts used to explain the foundation of blockchain are __________________.

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   business n/w,digital assets,ledger

4. Private Blockchain is a de-centralized type of Blockchain?

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5. The value of coins ( litecoin, bitcoin) is same at a particular time.

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Data visualization MCQ's

 1.What needs to be considered first before you start a data visualization presentation?

Ans:- Data

2.Data Visualization makes complex data more


3.How does visualization of big data help in interpreting information?


4.What is the purpose of using a dashboard for data visualization?


Problem -2

 Problem Statement:

Arpasland has surrounded by attackers. A truck enters the city. The driver claims the load is food and medicine from Iranians. Ali is one of the soldiers in Arpasland. He doubts about the truck, maybe it's from the siege. He knows that a tag is valid if the sum of every two consecutive digits of it is even and its letter is not a vowel. Determine if the tag of the truck is valid or not.

We consider the letters "A","E","I","O","U","Y" to be vowels for this problem.

Problem - 1

 Problem Statement:

You are required to enter a word that consists of  and  that denote the number of Zs and Os respectively. The input word is considered similar to word zoo if .

Determine if the entered word is similar to word zoo.

For example, words such as zzoooo and zzzoooooo are similar to word zoo but not the words such as zzooo and zzzooooo.

SageMaker - Amazon ML MCQ's

1.  Asynchronous Predictions are possible in SageMaker through _________________.

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2. Training Data for SageMaker models is ___________________.

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   Stored in S3

3. Which of the following algorithms is best suited for detecting malicious server activity?

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4. Hyperparameters are _______________________.

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   Model-specific parameters which are preset before training

Aptitude Questions - 1

1. The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person?

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2. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 36. What is the difference between the sum and the difference of the digits of the number if the ratio between the digits of the number is 1 : 2 ?

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3. Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get?

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4. In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit?

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