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UIPATH MCQ's | Interview Preparation - 1 | RPA

1. The Type Into activity can receive inputs like:

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   A variable followed by .tostring method & A static String

2. Getting the content of a PDF document is possible:

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   By opening the pdf and using screen scraping to get its data & By using the read Pdf text activity and providing the pdf file’s path

3. What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables panel?

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   Setting default values for variable & Changing variable type & Adding new variable

4. Where can you see the list of activities that you can use in a workflow?

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   In the Activities panel

5. How can you extract structured data from a web page?

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   Using the Data Scraping Wizard

6. What is UiPath Explorer used for?

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   To get detailed information in regard to UI elements

7. What are Queues used for?

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   Distribute transactional load among multiple robots

8. Which of the following is the IDE used to develop the UiPath workflows?

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   UiPath Studio

9. You can insert a Sequence activity in a Flowchart activity.

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10. When having multiple activities executing in a fixed sequential order, what kind of workflow should you use?

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11. What type of argument can you define to retrieve data from an invoked workflow

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12. What happens if you rename a variable from the Variables tab?

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   The name will be automatically updated in all the activities that use it.

13. Which activity can you use if you want to loop through a collection of items?

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   For Each activity

14. Can you insert a Flowchart activity in a Sequence

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15. What activity should you use to select one choice from multiple choices, based on the value of a given expression?

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   Switch Activity

16. If the dtNewHires datatable has 4 columns, in this order : [ID, Name, Age, Sex] and 2 rows: [1, Daniel, 38, M] ; [2, Andra, 24, F], what is the result of the expression dtNewHires.Rows(0)(1)?

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17. How can the index integer variable be displayed inside a Message Box activity

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   “Current index is: “ + index.ToString

18. What activity can you use to get the value from a certain cell, from a specific data table row

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   Get Row Item

19. What activity can be used to loop through each row from a DataTable?

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   For Each Row

20. How can we test if a given address (a string variable called fullAddress) can be found on a particular street (a string variable called streetName)?

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21. What activity can be used to modify the value of an existing cell in a DataTable

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   Assign Activity

22. What recording wizard would you use to automate Virtual Machine actions?

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   Citrix Recording

23. What recording profiles are available in UiPath Studio

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   Basic, Desktop, Web, Citrix

24. Can you combine automatic recording with step-by-step recording in the same recording sequence?

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25. How do you stop the recording?

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   Escape or Right click

26. What type of container will Basic Recording generate?

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   No Container

27. How can you record the start of a Web application?

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   Hit Record - Web - Open Browser - select browser

28. What type of container will Web Recording generate?

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   Attach Browser

29. How do you enable the (Clipping) Region selection mode when Screen Scraping?

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   By pressing F3

30. What is Attach Window used for?

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   Identifying the window you are working with.

31. A UI Element target can be composed of (if it does not use a UiElement variable):

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32. How do you avoid mistaking the currently opened window with another similar one?

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   By working inside a container.

33. What defines the amount of time in which the UI target of an activity must be found?

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   The TimeoutMS property

34. What property should you use to make sure that the workflow continues even if an activity fails?

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   ContinueOnError property

35. What is the slowest method of reading text?

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36. How many characters does "*" replace?

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   One or more

37. Can a valid selector identify different elements on the screen at the same time

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38. What are the supported wildcard characters for selectors in UiPath Studio?

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   1.) * 2.)?

39. This is a reliable selector for a dynamic page: "webctrl idx='144' tag='IMG'/"

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40. How can you see the full list of attributes of Ui elements?

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   By using the UiExplorer tool.

41. Can you store a Selector in a variable?

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   Yes, of type String

42. What method do you need to use to extract the text font and color when automating in a Critrix Environment?

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   It's impossible to retrieve the text color from a Citrix environment

43. Is Reset Clipping Region mandatory to be executed at the end of a scrape relative sequence?

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   Yes, because Clipping Region is a shared resource.

44. How can you improve accuracy when scraping with OCR a region that contains only digits?

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   Use Google OCR with “Numbers Only”

45. Can you use image/text automation outside of an Citrix enviroment?

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46. Is it possible to click a button with Click Image Activity if the target is not visible on the screen?

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   No, you could click a button which is not visible only using selectors

47. Click Image and Click Text are not 100% reliable in Citrix environments. What method can be used instead (when applicable) to have safer actions?

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   Setting focus on a reliable element and then navigating around the app using keyboard (up/down arrows, tab, etc) or using keyboard shortcuts

48. What method would be more reliable when clicking on a specific text label in an application running in a Citrix environment, given the fact that its font size might be easily changed?

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   Using the Click OCR Text activity.

49. Can the robot perform clicks alongside key modifiers (Shift, Ctrl etc) in a Citrix environment?

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