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Showing posts with label Git Slack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Git Slack. Show all posts

Git Slack MCQ's

1.  What is ChatOps ?

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   Philosophy, Collaboration Practice

2. ChatOps helps in _

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   All the options mentioned

3. Compare the notifications triggered during Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. Which of the following notification to slack are missing when the GitHub repository is updated in authed mode vs. unauthed mode.

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   Pull Notification 

4. Merge the Pull request in GitHub for the updates made to starfeature branch. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

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   stakeholders and starprojectteam 

5. Delete the branch starfeature in GitHub. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

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 1) What is GIT?

GIT is a distributed version control system and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis to handle small and large projects with speed and efficiency.

  2) What is the command you can use to write a commit message?

The command that is used to write a commit message is “git commit –a”. The –a on the command line instructs git to commit the new content of all tracked files that have been modified. You can use “git add<file>” before git commit –a if new files need to be committed for the first time.

 3) What is the difference between GIT and SVN?

 The difference between GIT and SVN is

 a)  Git is less preferred for handling extremely large files or frequently changing binary files while SVN can handle multiple projects stored in the same repository.

 b) GIT does not support ‘commits’ across multiple branches or tags. Subversion allows the creation of folders at any location in the repository layout.

 c) Gits are unchangeable, while Subversion allows committers to treat a tag as a branch and to create multiple revisions under a tag root.