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Basic of Statistics MCQ's

  1.  Sample is a subset of population. True
  2. Is the process of applying logical or statistical techniques to evaluate and describe data in a meaningful way. Data Analysis
  3. Holds the responsibility of describing the data collected. Statistics
  4. Descriptive Statistics works on __________ dataset. Sample
  5. __________ calculates the number of events occurring in a specific period, when given the average number of times the event occurs in that time span.Poisson Distribution
  6. The Hypothesis test process contains __________ steps. 5
  7. Measures of Central Tendency includes __________. All the options
  8. P-Value measures the strength of evidence in support of a null hypothesis. True
  9. __________ is calculated by multiplying each of the possible outcomes in the sample space with the likelihood of their occurrence, and then summing up all the values. Expected Value
  10. The process of setting up a range of values within which a parameter is included is called __________. Confidence Intervals 
  11. The __________ states that no significant difference exists between a set of variables. Null Hypothesis
  12. The probability of an event ( B ), given that another ( A ) has already occurred is denoted by __________. P(A AND B)
  13. Probability of getting either a King or Queen card in a deck of cards is an example of __________. Non-mutually Exclusive Event 
  14. Statistical Hypothesis is an assumption about Sample Parameter. False
  15. Any event containing two or more elements of the sample space is known as a ___________. Mutually Exclusive Event
  16. What variable can take only a countable number of values? Discrete
  17. Null Hypothesis must be rejected if P-Value is __________ than Significance Level. Lesser 
  18. In __________ test, the region of rejection is only on one side of the sampling distribution. One-tailed
  19. The probability of committing a Type 1 error is called __________. Significance Level
  20. A set of events devouring the entire sample space is called __________. Exhaustive Event
  21. The letter e in a Poisson experiment denotes __________. A constant whose value is approximately 2.71828 
  22. Alternative Hypothesis states that no significant difference exists between a set of variables. True
  23. An entertainment company specifies that its employees must weigh between 40 kgs - 50 kgs. If X is the random variable denoting the weights of employees, X is a __________ random variable. Continuous
  24. __________ represents the outcome of a statistical experiment in numerical values. Random Variable
  25. The probability of not committing a __________ error is called Power of Test. Type 2
  26. In a Binomial experiment, the letter P is used to denote __________. The probability of success on an individual trial
  27. A Discrete Random value can take any value within an interval on the real line. 
  28. F Distribution and T Distribution are examples of __________. Continious
  29. __________ enable to observe data dispersion from a central point. Range, Standard Deviation, and Variance
  30. Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis must be __________. 
  31. In a __________ experiment, each trial can result in either of the two outcomes only. Binomial


  1. The process of testing specific values of a parameter is called __________.

  2. If another event does not influence the Occurance of an event. It is called a department event
