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Data visualization MCQ's

 1.What needs to be considered first before you start a data visualization presentation?

Ans:- Data

2.Data Visualization makes complex data more


3.How does visualization of big data help in interpreting information?


4.What is the purpose of using a dashboard for data visualization?


5.As per Edward Tufte, good visualizations strive towards

GD and Graphic(wrong)

data throughly(wrong)


6.Which law of Gestalt psychology explains individual's ability to perceive objects as shapes, 

letters, pictures, etc. as being whole while they are not?

Ans:- Clousure

7.While at a party you notice a group of people in the crowd headed in the same direction. 

Your tendency to group them is due to

Ans:- common fate

8.Which type of visual aspect could be considered ineffective or not very accurate at 

conveying quantitative or ordinal data?


9.What differentiates histogram from a bar chart?


10.What type of chart can be used to place some emphasis on any trends in the data visualization



11.When using a Bar Chart, the data values are represented by?


12.A bar graph is used to represent which type of data?


13. Which chart displays data as a collection of points, each having one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and other variable determining the position on the vertical axis?

Ans:- SP

14.Which map is a two-dimensional representation of data in which values are represented by colors?

Ans:- HM

15. A Manufacturing company wants to view the performance of various plants based on Throughput, 

Wastage, Returns, Downtime and Manufacturing Cost per Unit. Which chart would be the best for this?

Ans:- Para

16. Which of the following cannot be a geo-dimension?

Ans:- MN

17. Which of the following is powerful visualization technique for illustrating hierarchical data and part-to-whole relationships?

Ans:- TM

18. Interactivity in Visualizations enables users to

Ans:- FA

19.Which chart displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments?

Ans:- Line

20. Why is text added to a data visualization presentation?

Ans:- to explain the data(wrong)

21. A histogram is used for which type of data?

Ans:-  Continuous

22. In which chart type quantitative data is displayed graphically and the area between axis

 and line are emphasized with colors, textures and hatchings?

Ans:-  area

23. he tendency to treat lines as if they continue is called

Ans:- Continuity

24. In project, % compliance to SLAs metric is effected by factors like inflow of tickets, # of interfaces, skill levels, etc. To define the relationship between % compliance to SLAs and inflow of tickets, which plot is best?

Ans:- SP

25.A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of data.

 It is an estimate of the _________ of a continuous variable

Ans:- PD

26. How is data visualization used?

Ans:- large numbers

27. Representation of information in a graphic format to make the data easily understandable at

 a glance is known as?

Ans:- Info

28. In a Pie Chart, _____ is used to represent data.

Ans:- sectors

29. What is the minimum requirement to form a bar chart?

Ans:- 1D I metric

30. Which of these can be used to display data graphically?

Ans:- table

31.What method of data representation is best suited to the demonstration of data results if that data is 

of differing nominal values and needs to represent quantitative data on different axes?

Ans:-  bar(wrong)

32. The axis-plot/ map on which the data is to be visualized or indicated, like the axis used in plotting line graph, what is the angle between the adjacent axes?

33.Which Gestalt law explains individuals ability to mentally grouping items by color, texture, size or shape?

Ans:-  Proximity(wrong)

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