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AngularJS Packaging and Testing MCQ's

1.  Which one of these is a Bower Concept?

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2. The following is the syntax of installing a Component in Bower.

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   Bower install componenet name

3. In Package.json, to include the latest version we can use.

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4. Grunt runs tasks using Temporary files which are disk I/O operations.

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Wireframing MCQ's

1. Wireframes are static. 

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2. What are the fidelity levels that you must consider while creating a wireframe?

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    all the options

3. Mockups exhibit exhibit ___________. 

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   high fidelity

4. Apart from basic wireframes, what are the other type of wireframes that are available? 

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Routers and Custom Directives MCQ's

 1) what is the purpose of the $location service?

It enables changing the path of the application in order to perform navigation  

2) With _, views and routes are tied to the application url. ngRoute

3)Which is the correct syntax format for constructing a route and binding a route parameter?

<a ng-href=”#/detail/{{}}”>Click for more.......</a> 

4) Which function best describes routing?

Loads templates into the ng-view element

5) The…………… service is not able to function properly if the current URL is outside the URL given as the base href. $location