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SageMaker - Amazon ML MCQ's

1.  Asynchronous Predictions are possible in SageMaker through _________________.

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2. Training Data for SageMaker models is ___________________.

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   Stored in S3

3. Which of the following algorithms is best suited for detecting malicious server activity?

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4. Hyperparameters are _______________________.

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   Model-specific parameters which are preset before training

5. Hold-Out dataset is used for _________________.

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6. Inference code _________________________.

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   Gets predictions from a model

7. SageMaker metrics are captured by ______________.

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8. Custom Algorithms can be implemeted via _________________.

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   Docker and Jupyter

9. Hyperparameter tuning in SageMaker is ___________________.

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   Automatic once enabled

10. Which of the following is a statically typed language preferred for performance in Machine Learning tasks?

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11. Metrics are used to ____________________.

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   Control Auto-scaling and manage search results

12. Automated Hyperparameter tuning is not recommended for ___________________.

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13. It is mandatory to capture metrics for custom models ________________.

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   To specify logged data and use regular expressions

14. Log scaled parameters for hyperparameter tuning _____________________.

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   Can be specified or automatically detected

15. Auto-Scaling is suited for ____________________.

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   Production Environment

16. We can ensure models are secure, at ease, _________________________________.

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   when they are pre-approved in MarketPlace

17. Pause and Resume of Hyperparameter tuning jobs are _______________.

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   Supported by a limited number of algorithms

18. Cross-Platform Model Deployment for inferences is enabled through ______________.

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   SageMaker Neo

19. Search results of models can be traced to ___________________.

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20. Automated Hyperparameter tuning is not recommended for ___________________.

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   All the given options

21. Reinforcement Learning optimizes agent performance in an environment with help of__________________.

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   Reward and punishment

22. Amazon Cognito helps in private workforce management through ___________.

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   Teams and Tasks

23. Most of the SageMaker resources like instances and communication between resources are internet-enabled by default.

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24. Greengrass is used to deploy models for _________________.

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25. Multiple label classification can be facilitated using Ground Truth.

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   Annotation Consolidation

26. Which of the following statements is not correct with respect to SageMakerFullAccess Policy?

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   It gives access to all related S3 buckets.

27. Ground Truth Labeling is ___________________.

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28. API calls for instance management is recorded by ________________.

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29. MDPs state helps in _________________.

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30. Artifacts from training jobs in S3 can be deleted once the model is deployed saving space and money.

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31. Auto Scaling of SageMaker Instances is controlled by ________________.

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32. GPU Acceleration improves the performance of Instances.

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   Depends on Instance size

33. In GroundTruth, to reduce costs, manually labeled data can be used for ______________.

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34. Instance Access in SageMaker can be restricted using __________________.

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35. Metrics can be searched actively before _____________ of their latest update.

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   2 weeks

36. Which of the following service can be used for Data Collection and Transformation?

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37. Default instance storage allotted is _______________________.

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   50 GB

38. Overfitting can be avoided by increasing ________________________.

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   Hyperparameter Regulation

39. Identify the Memory-based Learning models.

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40. Containers in Inference Pipelines communicate with each other using ________________.

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   SSL connection


  1. Hi bro thanks and some answers are wrong
    32 wrong

  2. Reinforcement Learning models can be trained in simulated VR environments using
