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Showing posts with label Kibana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kibana. Show all posts

Kibana - Data Exquisites MCQ's

1. Is it necessary to use curl command while querying in Kibana?

a) Yes, it is necessary.
b) No, not necessary.
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   No, not necessary

2. Default location to run Kibana is _.

a) localhost:0000
b) localhost:8888
c) localhost:5601
d) localhost:5602

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3. If Elasticsearch is not visible via Kibana, what could be the problem?

a) url should match to localhost:9200 if it has not been changed manually
b) Both of these
c) None of these
d) elasticsearch.url is not set correct

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   Both of these

4. What can be created with the help of Kibana?

a) Histograms
b) Line Graphs
c) All of these
d) Pie Charts

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   All of these

5. Kibana is an independent tool nothing to do with ELK stack.

a) True
b) False
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