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Digital Marketing Primer MCQ's

1. By reading through the customer reviews of a product on Amazon, a customer forms a

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   Perception about the product

2. Digital Marketing helps to improve

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    All the options mentioned

3. Customer Perception develops

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4. Main objective of Digital Marketing is to

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5. Which of the following aims at influencing users who have already begun their research on sites like Google, but not necessary that they have visited a brand site

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   Search Retargeting

Asure Essentials MCQ's

1. Which cloud offering focuses on the consumption of services?

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2. High available applications are

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3. In which operating system, we can use Azure CLI?

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   All the options mentioned

4. When using Azure Resource Manager, you can use a _______________ for deployment, which can build identical environments for different work scenarios such as testing, staging, and production

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5. Which of the following is the older service management model, where cloud services contain your cloud resources?

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   Classic Portal

Automation Anywhere MCQ's

1. Automation anywhere is not capable of working with

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   Hand written documents

2. Pdf integration command cannot be used for?

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   converting pdf files to word

3. From control room on which type of clients can we schedule tasks

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4. Using Email automation command we can directly get emails from the server without having interface(Email client) like: gmail, outlook?true

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5. For uploading a bot to the control room we need to have access to it?

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Advanced Regression Analysis MCQ's

1. What is/are the outcome of optimizing the likelihood function ?

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2. ________________ Regression can be used to model the data when the outcome is dichotomous .

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3. When we normally multiply the coefficients with covariates we get a numeric value ? But when we need to get an output in the range 0 to 1 what do we need to perform ?

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   Non Linear Transformation

4. A linear Model best predicts when the dependent variable is Binary.

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5. The systematic component in a GLM consists of Linear Predictor . What are they ?

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   Covariate and Coefficient