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Showing posts with label R Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label R Language. Show all posts

Data Handling with R MCQ's

1. Which function can be used when a vector needs to be split into groups defined by a classifying factor, compute a function on the subsets, and return the results?

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2. Which function is very similar to lapply?

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3. Applying lapply function on a matrix returns

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4. A hospital data contains patient's age and treatment they are undergoing. Which function can be used to find average of patients undergoing each of the treatments?

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5. Which function is used over the margins of an array

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Clustering MCQ's

1.  of a set of points is defined using a distance measure .

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2. Each point is a cluster in itself. We then combine the two nearest clusters into one. What type of clustering does this represent ?

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3. Unsupervised learning focuses on understanding the data and its underlying pattern.

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4. Members of the same cluster are far away / distant from each other .

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5. The ______ is a visual representation of how the data points are merged to form clusters.

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From a given data set fda which contains data on warning letters sent to doctors by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, because of problems in the way in which they ran clinical trials testing experimental treatments. Contains the following variables:

name_last name_first name_middle Doctor’s last, first, and middle names.

issued Date letter was sent.

office Office within the FDA that sent the letter.


(a)Include the packages required and read the data from the data set fda.

(b)Filter the data for letters sent from the start of 2005(1'st January 2005) onwards and print it. 

(c)Count the number of letters issued by year and print it .