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Machine Learning Using scikit-learn MCQ's

1. Which of the following utility of Pandas can be used to read from Oracle database?

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2. What do the methods starting with fetch, of sklearn.datasets module do?

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   It downloads a specific dataset from a library.

3. Which of the following function is used for loading famous iris dataset from sklearn.datasets?

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4. Which of the following Python library is used for Machine Learning?

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5. Which of the following module of sklearn contains popular datasets, which are processed?

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6. What is the type of iris variable, shown in the below expression?

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   from sklearn import datasets
iris = datasets.load_iris()

7. What value does the attribute DESCR of a specific loaded dataset contain?

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   Contains a description of the loaded dataset

8. scikit-learn provides utilities for building artificial datasets.

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9. Which of the following library is widely used to read data from external sources with structured data?

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10. Which of the following expressions can access the features of the iris dataset, shown in the below expression?

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   from sklearn import datasets
iris = datasets.load_iris()

11. Scikit-learn provides Pipeline utility to build a pipeline, which performs a series of transformations.

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12. The preprocessing technique in which categorical values are transformed to categorical integers is known as ________________.

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13. The preprocessing technique in which missing values are replaced with the mean of a dataset is known as _______________.

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14. The preprocessing technique in which a dataset is transformed to a distribution of mean 0 and variance 1 is known as __________________.

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   Mean removal

15. Which of the following API is used to normalize a sample to the unit norm?

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16. Which of the following API is used to scale a dataset to range 0 and 1?

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17. import sklearn.preprocessing as preprocessing
regions = ['HYD', 'CHN', 'MUM', 'HYD', 'KOL', 'CHN']

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   [1 0 3 1 2 0]

18. Which of the following module of sklearn contains preprocessing utilities?

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19. ________ parameter is used to control the number of neighbors of KNearestClassifier.

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20. Which regressor utility of sklearn.neighbors is used to learn from k nearest neighbors of each query point?

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21. Which of the following parameter can be used to give more weightage to the points, which are nearer to a point in the nearest neighbors method?

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22. Which of the following class is used to implement the K-Nearest Neighbors classification in scikit-learn?

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23. Which of the following algorithms can be used with any nearest neighbors utility in scikit-learn?

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24. Which of the following is an essential parameter of RadiusNeighborsClassifier?

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25. Neighbors-based regression is mainly used when the data labels are continuous rather than discrete variables.

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26. What is the strategy followed by Radius Neighbors method?

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   It looks in the vincinity of area, covered by a fixed radius, of each training point.

27. Which of the following module of sklearn is used to deal with Nearest Neighbors?

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28. A feature can be reused to split a tree during Decision tree creation.

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29. Which of the following parameter is used to tune a Decision Tree?

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30. Which of the following module of sklearn is used for dealing with Decision Trees?

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31. A small change in data features may change a Decision Tree completely.

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32. Which of the following utility is used for regression using decision trees?

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33. Decision trees overfit the data very easily.

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34. Ensemble methods are better than Decision Trees.

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35. More improvement is found in an ensemble when base estimators are highly correlated?

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36. Which parameter is used to manage many base estimators in RandomForestClassifier?

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37. Which of the following module of sklearn is used for dealing with ensemble methods?

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38. Which of the following utility of sklearn.ensemble is used for implementing classification with the bagging method?

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39. Which of the following utilities are provided by sklearn to perform classification using support vector machines?

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   All the options

40. What values can be used for kernel parameter of SVC class?

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   All the options

41. Scaling or Normalization of data improves the accuracy of support vector machines.

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42. LinearSVC class accepts kernel parameter value.

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43. Which attribute provides details of obtained support vectors, after classifying data using SVC?

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44. Which approach is used by SVC and NuSVC for multi-class classification?

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   one vs one

45. What happens when very small value is used for parameter C in support vector machines?

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46. Which of the following parameter of SVC method is used for fine-tuning the model?

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47. Which of the following module of sklearn provides the utilities to deal with support vector machines?

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48. Which of the following utility of sklearn.cluster is used for performing k-means clustering?

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49. Agglomerative Clustering follows a top-down approach.

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50. Which of the following parameters are used to control Density-based clustering?

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   eps, min_samples

51. What does the Homogeneity score of a clsutering algorithm indicate ?

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   Verifies if each cluster contains only members of a single class.

52. Which of the following clustering technique is used to group data points into user given k clusters?

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   K-means clustering

53. Spectral Clustering is best suited for identifying dense clusters.

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54. What values can be used for the linkage parameter in AgglomerativeClustering

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55. Ensemble learns to combine weak learners to become a strong learner.

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56. Data used for Decision Trees have to be preprocessed compulsorily.

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