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Kafka MCQ's

1. A hashing-based Partitioner takes ___ and generates a hash to locate which partition the message should go

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   Partition Key

2. Banking industry can leverage Kafka Streams for detecting fraudulent transactions.

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3. Which messaging semantics do Kafka use to handle failure to any broker in cluster?

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4. Kafka only provides a total order over records within a partition, not between different partitions in a topic.

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5. The only metadata retained on a per-consumer basis is the position of the consumer in the log, called :

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6. The allows building and running reusable producers or consumers that connect Kafka topics to existing applications or data systems.

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   Connector API

7. Each __ acts as a leader for some of its partitions and a follower for others so load is well balanced within the cluster.

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   Kafka Server

8. Kafka provides better ordering guarantees than a traditional messaging system using topic partitions.

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9. The only metadata retained on a per-consumer basis is the offset or position of that consumer in the log.

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10. Each record consists of a key, a value, and a .

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11. "isr" is the set of "in-sync" replicas.

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12. Which one below is not a parameter to the Kafka cluster.ProducerRecord class constructor ?

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13. Point out the wrong statement :
a) Kafka is designed to allow a single cluster to serve as the central data backbone for a large organization.
b) The Kafka cluster does not retain all published messages.
c) A single Kafka broker can handle hundreds of megabytes of reads and writes per second from thousands of clients.
d) Messages are persisted on disk and replicated within the cluster to prevent data loss.

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   Kafka is designed to allow a single cluster to serve as the central data backbone for a large organization.

14. Kafka Streams supports both stateful and stateless operations.

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15. Which configuration in Producer API controls the criteria under which requests are considered complete?

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16. Kafka can be used for which of the following :
a)Stream Processing
b) Log Aggregation
c) All the options
d)Website Activity Tracking

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    All the options

17. Kafka stores metadata of basic information about Topics, Brokers and consumer offsets in :

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   Zookeeper ensemble

18. Kafka cluster can enforce quota on requests to control the broker resources used by clients.

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19. _ data retention makes Kafka a durable system.

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20. Point out the wrong statement :
a ) Kafka is designed to allow a single cluster to serve as the central data backbone for a large organization.
b )The Kafka cluster does not retain all published messages.
c )A single Kafka broker can handle hundreds of megabytes of reads and writes per second from thousands of clients.
d)Messages are persisted on disk and replicated within the cluster to prevent data loss.

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   The Kafka cluster does not retain all published messages.

21. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?
a)Kafka lets scale processing and is also multisubscriber.
b) Queue based system lets scale processing but is not multisubscriber.
c)In Queue based messaging system message ordering is lost during parallel processing.
d)A traditional queue based messaging system lets scale processing and is also multisubscriber.

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   A traditional queue based messaging system lets scale processing and is also multisubscriber.

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