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NoSQL - Database Revolution MCQ's

1. Hbase main server components include all except _

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   Hbase Memstore

2. In column-oriented stores, data is stored on a basis.

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   Column Family 

3. In Hbase, 'Columns' are named and specified in table definition. 

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4. HBase Tables are divided _ by row key range into .

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   horizontally - regions 

5. Columnar databases are preferable for OLTP systems.

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6. Cassandra allows to define composite Primary Keys.

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7. Pre-join projection is equivalent to as in traditional relational systems.

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   Materialized view

8. In a column-database a row is being uniquely identified by __.

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9. In Cassandra, the ___ determines how many copies of the data will be maintained across multiple nodes.

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   Replication factor

10. The column store has to perform _ IO to insert a new value.

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   as many disk blocks 

11. The row store needs to perform _ IO to insert a new value.

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12. In a columnar database, the columns are stored together on disk, achieving a higher compression ratio is an expensive operation. 

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13. A column-database used to store __ versions of each cells.

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14. NoSQL databases are designed to expand _

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15. Horizontal scaling approach tends to be cheaper as the number of operations and the size of the data increases.

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16. distributes different data across multiple servers.

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17. Limitations of RDBMS are .

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   Scalability/Database design complexity 

18. Full-form of 'CRUD' is _.

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19. Key-value pair data storages include all except .

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   Network Attached Storage

20. Cassandra has properties of both and __ 

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   Google Bigtable / Amazon Dynamo

21. A Riak convergent replicated data type (CRDT) includes

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22. A Key-value store does not support Secondary Indexes.

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23. The RDBMS 'table' equivalent terminology in Riak is .

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24. In MongoDB, there is a similar feature of 'like' expression as like RDBMS.

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25. The MATCH clause is roughly equivalent to the clause in SQL and the RETURN clause to a _ clause.

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   Where, Select  

26. ______ is a syntax for retrieving specific elements from an XML document.

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27. MongoDB read/write performance can be tuned with the help of Stored Procedures.

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28. An RDBMS equivalent component for a "document identifier" in a Document database:

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   Foreign Key-value 

29. An RDBMS equivalent component for a "document" in a Document database:

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30. Document databases split a document into its constituent name/value pairs for indexing purpose.

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31. An RDBMS equivalent component for a "collection" in a Document database:

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32. JSON documents are built up of _.

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   Both the option

33. Only Nodes have properties in Graph database.

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34. The major components of a Graph include all except _.

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35. Cypher query language is associated with __

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36. Neo4j architecture is a self-driven and independent architecture because of __

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   Both the options  

37. Graph databases are generally built for use with .

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38. Hbase Data blocks metadata information are being maintained by _ .

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39. Hbase Region assignment operation is being handled by _.

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   Hbase Master

40. In case of a Strict consistency, a read will always return the most recent data value.

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41. Sorted Column store would provide higher compression ratio by representing each column as compared to the preceding one.

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42. Some of the common Read Consistency level in Cassandra include all except __.

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43. _ are replicated to allow failover in MongoDB.

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44. In Cassandra, if the replication factor is 3, the coordinator will send replicas of the data item to the next _ nodes on the ring.

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    2 (n-1)  

45. Wiredtiger storage engine is a part of ___.

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46. Kudu can be accessed via all except _.

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47. The equivalent Hbase structure of an on-disk trees in Log-structured Merge Trees is ___.

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48. In case of an Eventual consistency, reads may not return the most recent value, but reads will not return values “out of sequence.”

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49. Transactional integrity is relevant in case of batch-centric Hadoop-based analytics on warehoused data.

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50. Riak demonstrates dual nature of

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   key/value store and a document database  

51. Cassandra's Gossip Protocol can take care of the heartbeat lost due to _ in a widely distributed system.

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   Both node failure and network issue

52. The process through which the on-disk tree files periodically merged to create larger consolidated stores is called __.

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53. In Riak, consistency model is implemented 

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54. Like most relational databases, Kudu also offers secondary indexes and uniqueness constraints.

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55. Hbase DDL Operations (create, delete tables) are maintained by ___.

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   Hbase Master

56. Cassandra lightweight transactions (LWT) supports pattern. 

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