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Grunt MCQ's

1.  How can one reduce the size of images using grunt? 

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2. After installing the required plug-ins, the next activity would be _______

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   Add the plug-in to the package.json file, Add the plug in through the cmd Install npm install grunt-XXX --save-dev

3. The grunt plug-in to remove any unwanted CSS within project is _________

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4. Registering of tasks happens within

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5. While installing grunt.js, the g in "$ npm install grunt-cli -g" represents

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6. While installing grunt.js, the cli in "$ npm install grunt-cli -g" represents.

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   command line interface

7. Grunt prefers____ model approach to coding.

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8. Which plug-in helps with validation of the js files ?

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9. SASS expands to ______________

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   Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets

10. Which takes care of performing the repetitive mundane work in Grunt.js?

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   Task runner

11. Grunt.js helps with simplification through automation. Is this true or false ?

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12. Grunt does not allow users to add their custom developed plug-ins and publish them to npm.

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13. Which plug-in takes care of sending automatic notifications?

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14. Presence of _______ is must is to proceed ahead with installation of grunt

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15. Which of these is officially maintained grunt plug in?

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16. Which grunt plug-in would be of use if you would like to monitor set of .js files and take any appropriate actions if any changes happens to them?

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17. How can one reduce the size of images using grunt ?

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18. The plug-in used for Uglify is

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19. Officially maintained plug-ins carry prefix _________

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20. Which plug-in assists with injection of bower dependency code ?

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21. Which of these is not an example of the operations of the Task runner?

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   Concatenating files

22. Which takes care of performing the repetitive mundane work in Grunt.js?

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   task runner

23. Banner in gruntfile becomes the __________

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   Header for all sections

24. The final step of creating a plug-in is

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