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Micro services Architecture MCQ's

1. Benefits of Microservices include

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2. Simple to Develop, Test, Deploy, Scale represents

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3. Agile development & Deployment is difficult in case of 

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4. Decomposition of Microservices based on 2 categories namely

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5. Complexity of developing, testing & deploying distributed system, Handling partial failures account to disadvantages of

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6. Microservice Architecture adapts following concepts

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7. Is Microservice is considered as subset of SOA ?

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8. External clients communicate with Microservices using

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9. Scenarios where client takes onus & are responsible for determining the network locations of available service instances

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10. Netflix OSS is example

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   Client Side

11. AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is an example of 

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   Server side

12. The 2 types of Service Discovery only includes Client-side & server-side discovery ?

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13. The services communicate with each other internally _

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14. API Gateway ensure

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15. Which ensures to insulate the applications by acting as barrier

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16. The client expects a timely response from the service and might even block while it waits represents__________client service interaction styles

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17. Microservices-based architecture enforces a Modular structure ?

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18. Amazon EC2 Container Service is an example of 

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19. The 2 components of CQRS include

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   query and cs

20. Microservices supports different kinds of databases and this is called 

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21. The transactions that span across multiple services are handled by

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22. IDL stands for

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   Interface defn Language

23. Efficient Utilization & Fast Deployment represent which pattern 

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24. & Boxful represents __________________________ type of pattern

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25. Service Instance per Host pattern provides _

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26. Microservice Chassis takes care of all except 

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27. __________ is ability to store something temporarily in order to reduce the loading times and I/O of a system.

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28. In __________, each external request is tagged with unique identifier which is passed to all services involved in handling the request and included in application logging messages

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29. aching helps in improving the performance of the system ?

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30. Which pattern collects & reports all exceptions to a centralized exception tracking service

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31. In Microservices, the API Gateway takes care of the security aspect by rendering ________________

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32. Which acts as database of services

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33. When any single application function or component fails, then the entire application goes down. (Single point of failure ) This is primary disadvantage of 

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34. When any single application function or component fails, then the entire application goes down. (Single point of failure ) This is primary disadvantage of 

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35. _____________ helps to control & limit the number of consecutive request failures crosses a threshold,

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36. Which of the following is incorrect - with respect to cons about Microservices (I) Increasing number of services can result in information barriers (II) Being a distributed system, it can result in duplication of effort (III) The architecture usually results in increased memory consumption (IV) No long-term commitment to technology stack

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37. Functional Decomposition is an example of 

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