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AngularJS Packaging and Testing MCQ's

1.  Which one of these is a Bower Concept?

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2. The following is the syntax of installing a Component in Bower.

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   Bower install componenet name

3. In Package.json, to include the latest version we can use.

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4. Grunt runs tasks using Temporary files which are disk I/O operations.

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Wireframing MCQ's

1. Wireframes are static. 

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2. What are the fidelity levels that you must consider while creating a wireframe?

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    all the options

3. Mockups exhibit exhibit ___________. 

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   high fidelity

4. Apart from basic wireframes, what are the other type of wireframes that are available? 

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Routers and Custom Directives MCQ's

 1) what is the purpose of the $location service?

It enables changing the path of the application in order to perform navigation  

2) With _, views and routes are tied to the application url. ngRoute

3)Which is the correct syntax format for constructing a route and binding a route parameter?

<a ng-href=”#/detail/{{}}”>Click for more.......</a> 

4) Which function best describes routing?

Loads templates into the ng-view element

5) The…………… service is not able to function properly if the current URL is outside the URL given as the base href. $location

Deep Learning basic MCQ's

 1)What is the difference between the actual output and generated output known as? 

Output Modulus 



Output Difference 


(2)Recurrent Neural Networks are best suited for Text Processing. 




Ionic Framework MCQ's

1. Which of the following is not a in-built Ionic template.

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2. Which of the following files has the ionic styles?

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   ionic css

3. Which of the following files contains all required JS files for Ionic and Angular?

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4. Which of the following folders contains icons in Ionic?

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Association Rule Mining MCQ's

1.  What is the support for Screen Guard ?

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2.  What is the support for Power Bank ?

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3.  What is the confidence for Screen Guard -> Mobile Cover ?

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4.  What is the confidence for Power Bank -> Mobile Cover ?

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Machine Learning - Exploring the Model MCQ's

Machine Learning - Exploring the Model

Welcome to the course on Machine Learning - Exploring the Model

The objective of this course is to familiarize you with the steps involved in 

fitting a machine learning model to a data set

You will learn all the concepts involved in building a Machine Learning Model, 

from Hypothesis function that represents a model for a given data-set to evaluation of the hypothesis for a general case

Advanced Statistics and Probability MCQ's

1.  What are the features of multivariate random variable?

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2.  If time space or state space is discrete, ___________.

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   Markov process can be termed as discrete-time Markov chains

3.  What are kernels?

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Basic of Statistics MCQ's

  1.  Sample is a subset of population. True
  2. Is the process of applying logical or statistical techniques to evaluate and describe data in a meaningful way. Data Analysis
  3. Holds the responsibility of describing the data collected. Statistics
  4. Descriptive Statistics works on __________ dataset. Sample
  5. __________ calculates the number of events occurring in a specific period, when given the average number of times the event occurs in that time span.Poisson Distribution

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