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Data Handling with R MCQ's

1. Which function can be used when a vector needs to be split into groups defined by a classifying factor, compute a function on the subsets, and return the results?

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2. Which function is very similar to lapply?

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3. Applying lapply function on a matrix returns

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4. A hospital data contains patient's age and treatment they are undergoing. Which function can be used to find average of patients undergoing each of the treatments?

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5. Which function is used over the margins of an array

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Data Cleansing MCQ's

1. Data munging is

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   A Process to clean messy data

2. Can a technically correct dataset still be incorrect for data analysis?

a) YES
b) NO
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3. Binning is a method to manage data

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   noisy data

4. Data cleaning is the most time consuming process in data analysis

a) True
b) False
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5. tail() function shows ___ by default

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   6 rows

Linear Algebra MCQ's

1. The set of all possible vectors you can reach with the linear combination of two vectors is called ____________________.

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   Linear Combination

2. If one set of vectors can be expressed as a linear combination of other set of vectors, they are called _____________________.

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   linearly combined

3. Every vector in 2D space is associated with multiple pairs of number.

a) True
b) False
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Maven -Coalescing Pipeline MCQ's

1. How can we compile and generate war file using single command

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   mvn compile war:war

2. Syntax to create maven project.

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   mvn archtype:generate

3. How to generate war file

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   mvn package

4. War files are created for

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   Web and Java

5. What is archetype

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   It is maven project templating toolkit

Leading and Managing MCQ's

1. Gamification is

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2. What is Baxter?

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   An autonomous Drone

3. CI/CD stands for

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   Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment

4. Which of these are advantages of DevOps

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5. What AI techniques are used in Chatbots?

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Machine Learning MCQ's

1. If you have a basket of different fruit varieties with some prior information on size, color, shape of each and every fruit . Which learning methodology is best applicable?

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2. If the outcome is binary(0/1), which model to be applied?

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3. For which one of these relationships could we use a regression analysis? Chose the correct one

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4. Which clustering technique requires prior knowledge of the number of clusters required?

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   k means

5. Which of the learning methodology applies conditional probability of all the variables with respective the dependent variable?

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